Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.

Green Ecological Foundation (FEG)

Green Ecological Foundation (FEG) is a non-governmental, independent, not-for-profit, non-politically affiliated culture, science and education institution established in Iasi in 1997. The mission of the organisation consists in establishing education institutions of various levels with the purpose of meeting the training needs arising in the field of life-long learning.

At present, FEG Iasi is running a kindergarten, a primary school, a post-secondary school, an adult training centre and a centre accredited by the European Computer Driving Licence Foundation. At national level, the organisation set up 14 branch offices, with 10 post-secondary schools accredited by the Ministry of Education and 2 adult training centres accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons.

The mission of the organisation consists in establishing education institutions of various levels with the purpose of meeting the training needs arising in the field of life-long learning. FEG is currently offering educational services to over 2,000 beneficiaries in Iasi only, and has a teaching staff of over 65 teachers and trainers. Since 2003, FEG has participated in 39 EU-funded projects, including seminars, and international training programmes. It was awarded the ‘European School’ title by the Ministry of Education twice, in 2008 and 2011. FEG also received the ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ diploma for outstanding results in training projects.

FEG Training Centres operate on the basis of the Government Ordinance no. 129/2000 including subsequent amendments and additions. As such, FEG is authorised as a training provider by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons and the Ministry of Education. To date, FEG Training Centres have carried out over 500 professional learning programmes in over 25 trades involving more than 15,000 persons, most of them young. Taking into consideration that the majority of its post-secondary schools students are high school graduates, the organisation has acquired a rich experience in training activities targeting young people. Capitalizing on this knowledge base, FEG also delivers information and vocational guidance courses designed to facilitate the social and labour market insertion of young people specifically. As regards the persons with low levels of skills, FEG implemented in partnership with public and private entities two Phare 2005 projects that offered information, counselling, training and labour market integration services to a group of 30 Roma persons and 50 persons living in rural areas who either sought a job or had occasional incomes.

During the implementation of its direct education and training activities, as well as of project activities, FEG developed a strong network at local, regional and national level, whose objective is to facilitate the access of its students to the labour market, while also actively involving them in shaping the new generations. Thus, FEG concluded over 80 local partnership agreements.

FEG also has a department specialized in project writing and implementation, which successfully carried out 39 projects financed through programs such as Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig, Youth in Action, Phare, SOP HRD, etc., acquiring a vast experience in project management.

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