Project beneficiary: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons of Romania
Acest site este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.
Project beneficiary: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons of Romania
BPI Management Consulting Romania (BPI Romania), established in 1996, is a management and human resources consulting company based in Bucharest. BPI Management Consulting Romania is a member of BPI group, a French consulting company with international dimensions and reputation. BPI Romania carried out numerous projects with a strong impact on the field of employment, and, with 30,000 employees benefitting from counselling, job prospection and labour market intermediation services in the last 10 years, the company has become the undisputed leader in this field.
Read more ...The mission of the Non-Governmental Professional Association of Social Assistance (ASSOC) from Baia Mare is to promote social assistance by improving the living conditions of deprived persons. For over 17 years ASSOC has delivered social services and employment services related to the domestic labour market to people from various vulnerable categories (children separated or in risk of separation from their parents, young people coming from the social protection system, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons).
Read more ...Green Ecological Foundation (FEG) is a non-governmental, independent, not-for-profit, non-politically affiliated culture, science and education institution established in Iasi in 1997. The mission of the organisation consists in establishing education institutions of various levels with the purpose of meeting the training needs arising in the field of life-long learning.
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